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Colon Hydrotherapy

One Session - $95
Package of Three - $275
Package of Eight - $725




The person having this procedure will lay on a comfortable Colon Hydrotherapy table.  They will be able to wear most of their clothing and then have a drape covering to ensure complete modesty.

The use of a small, sterile, disposable tubing is the means by which the water is given into the colon.  The client has the ability to discontinue the water at any time as they are in complete control during their entire session.

The gentle infusion of water is given at a slow, controlled flow and temperature.  This, combined with the ability to release unwanted waste, creates an easy, comfortable experience.



  • Abdominal Hernia

  • Abdominal Surgery (recent)

  • Aneurysm

  • Anemia, severe in nature

  • Carcinoma of the colon, rectum, or gastro-intestinal tract

  • Cardiac Disease (including uncontrolled hypertension or congestive heart failure)

  • Chrohn’s Disease

  • Colitis

  • Colon or Rectal Surgery (recent)

  • Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis

  • Fissures/Fistulas

  • GI Hemorrhage/Perforation

  • Kidney Problems

  • Liver Failure

  • Pregnancy

  • Rectal or abdominal tumors

  • Recurring GI or bowel pain

  • Renal Insufficiency

  • Severe Hemorrhoids


The number of sessions needed will vary depending on the individual needs of each person.  It depends on goals, current state of health, and the state of the digestive system.        

Most people who have been eating the Standard American Diet will need approximately 6 to 8 sessions.  It is best to receive these sessions closely together to receive the most benefit.

Once the large intestine is cleaned, maintenance of one session a month is recommended.



The equipment we use is the Colenz system. The Colenz is  FDA approved colon hydrotherapy equipment.  Sterile single use disposable tubing is used during a colon hydrotherapy session. The water used during the session is filtered, temperature controlled and pressure controlled in order to provide the person receiving colon hydrotherapy the safest and most comfortable session possible.



There may be situations when colon hydrotherapy should NOT be used or should only be used with direct supervision of a Physician.  Please contact us at 801-915-0639 for further information about whether colon hydrotherapy may be right for you.

You may eligible to receive colon hydrotherapy sessions once the following contraindications have subsided or have healed. 


  • Begin by cleansing the colon through Colon Hydrotherapy. Removing the waste will allow the body to increase the uptake of nutrients.


  • For optimal health eat a large percentage of your diet of fresh, organic, raw fruits, vegetables, and living foods. This gives the body high vibration food with dense nutrition and the fiber needed for proper elimination.


  • Eating higher amounts of fruits, vegetables and living foods allows the body to simplify the detoxification and digesting processes, therefore, creating more energy and vitality to the body.


  • Re-hydrate the body by drinking pure, filtered water. It is best to drink water well in advance of eating a meal to not interfere with the digestion process.


  • Take time to eat meals slowly, and chew food completely.


  • Get up and get moving. Make sure the body is having regular and consistent exercise.


  • Receive adequate sleep. “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise”.


  • Find ways to reduce stress. Try yoga, prayer and meditation, biofeedback therapy, take a walk, read a book, use essential oils, enjoy nature, listen to relaxing music, or get a massage.




Colon Hydrotherapy is not intended to replace the relationship with your health care physician or provider.  Our consultation is not intended as medical advice.  We encourage you to make your own health care decisions in partnership with your physician.


  • More energy

  • Weight loss

  • Balance weight

  • Look and feel younger

  • Improved posture

  • Less mucus

  • Clearer complexion

  • Brighter eyes

  • Lighter feeling

  • Improved mood

  • Improved allergies

  • Improved health

  • Improved bowel function

  • Absorb nutrients better

  • Improved range in motion

  • Improved skin and muscle tone

  • Improved memory

  • Improved hormonal imbalances

  • Improved concentration

  • Strengthened immune system

Contact Us

8817 Redwood Road Suite D, West Jordan, UT 84088

Hours of Operation


Monday 10:00-5:00          

Tuesday 10:00- 7:00          

Wednesday  10:00-5:00

Thursday 10:00-7:00

Friday 10:00-5:00

Saturday 9:00-Noon         

Sunday Closed

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